Monday, February 26
> Dear RXXX
Please, please stop doing this to me. I cant really take it anymore.
Here i am trying to get things right, there you are escaping and avoiding me.
So what exactly am i supposed to do to make it a win-win situation?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:28:00 pm
Sunday, February 25
> Expect the Unexpected
I didnt expect myself to fall for you, neither did i expect myself to tell you how i feel.
But after all this unexpected happenings, the most unexpected reaction wasnt that you totally ignored it, but to feel and say what you did.
I totally didnt expect myself to be seen as such a person in your eyes.
But theres one thing you gotta know, i always mean what i say, and its true.
I dont care how many people witnessed me breaking down and let my tears roll all out of a sudden. I dont care what other people say about me because they dont even know me. But its terribly tormenting for a close friend and confidante like you to misunderstand my intentions.
I am not disappointed. Im just terribly hurt. Please remember that im a girl after all, and i have my own pride too. It wasnt easy for me to say how i feel for you, and to think you thought i was just incoherent.
This had probably be the most unexpected day for the most unexpected news.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:17:00 am
Friday, February 23
> cant help but to say this...
I really wonder why are there people, girls especially, who can react so sensitively to the most minor and little details and yet behave and do things so insensitively to the other's feelings.
I dont know why people, girls especially, likes to kick up a fuss over little little things, trying to sow discord or do things that will cause tension over nothing.
I've gone through and done such things in my adolescence, and now we're no longer teens in our 14 or 15. There's already this big 2 in front of our age, and yet i see them do/say/behave the way i believe a 14 or 15 year old kid would do.
Did i grow up too fast? Or did they grow up too slowly? I believe its the latter, but i dont really care because im not guilty of anything.
Believe it or not, i have and will never have interest or possess any strong liking for friends ive known for years, or guys that are already attached. Im not even interested to look for a partner called boyfriend right now because i love my current lifestyle. And the deepest reason above all is that, there's only one guy in my heart right now that cannot be replaced and it will stay this way till i come across another one like him, which wouldnt be very soon.
The reason behind why i have more guy friends than girls is because i hate befriending girls because of the obvious reasons. And they, the guys, will only and always stay as a friend or the most, my confidante.
So quit trying to break a couple apart by spreading nonsense or trying to sow discord. Because its not working and would only show how shallow you are.
And to the other people around, stop those childish snickers and grow up please.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:05:00 am
Friday, February 16
> Happy vday!
I've been busy the past few days doing personal stuffs and self revision during late nights. Valentines' Day had passed, and as usual i stayed home the entire day and gave myself some loving by having plenty of beauty sleep, did some personal grooming, packed my room, re-painted my toe nails and yada yada before meeting Adrian at late night cos he needed some help on his Economics paper.
The day before Valentines' Day, i met an old friend for lunch before we head down to town for a little shopping. I was so hoping to sit in his new Audi TT and yes he drove that out instead of the Jazz. Beeeeaaaaauuutiiifuuuullll carrrrrrrrr i swearrrrrrrrr!

Dont you all love "selfish cars"? I DO!!
Although his previous car, the CLK has a much stylish interior, but the TT aint that bad too!

Even the view looks extraordinary perfect.

But the stupid + silly me dropped notes in his car and i cant really study for the exams now. what sial!
Shalyn came over later that day for some lovingmuffinsbaking.

This time round the muffins were godly yummilicious i swear! Great success because we had great teamwork! (though it was lyn that did most of the job because it was for her beloved)
Then, i was preparing for bed, changed into my pjs and applied pimple cream all over my face when 15 minutes after doing so, i received a sms at about 12.45am saying that he left a gift on top of my letter box.
I was stumped for awhile and was begging my sis to go collect it for me because i was already in my pjs and looking terrible with the cream all over! In the end, i changed back into tshirt and shorts and washed my face before taking the lift down after contemplating for another 15 minutes.

Thank you!
Time for dinner before heading Macs for more revisions tonight! (i just submitted the Uni applications and im keeping my fingers crossed.)
Oh yes, Happy 21st Birthday Raymond!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:13:00 pm
Sunday, February 11
> the 3 groups of people in my life..
During the past 7 years, since i entered Seconday school where life starts to change, many things had happened and many people had entered and left.
The people who came and go in my life could be categorized into 3 different groups. One being those that came and go and i dont really care whether or not we remain as friends. I give no shits to what they do and things about them, because i simply dont bother.
The second group are the people who left and yet still remained as hi-bye friends. These people are people that matters to me, to a certain extent. They are those who i bothered to keep in touch with, though we catch up once in a blue moon.
The last group of people are those who left and i can never forget. They are the ones who i wish they didnt leave and would try all ways and means to make them stay. Cruel as it can be, they didnt stay for me but they are the ones whom i'll constantly think of and hope that one day, things would be like before.
Losing the last group of people would turn my life upside down causing great pains to my already badly wounded heart. And this last group of people currenly consist of one very important person, whom i know will never read this.
To you, the one that i love, i never thought things would turn out this way, but it did. It was awkward yesterday, though we both tried to be normal. I blame myself for causing this embarrassment which im facing, and i blame myself for making this friendship which we've built up so strongly for the past 10 months collapse just like that. Maybe to you, ive always been a "just another friend" in your life, but to me, you're more than that.Well, on a lighter note, at least there are still 2 besties around to be there for me and a group of guys who never fail to make me smile and laugh. You know who you are, and i thank you for being them.
I coloured my hair few days back and my hairdresser snipped off my fringe again when this time i was pretty determined to let it grow. Damn angry! Wanted to just trim it a little, but i think he trimmed it a little too much. haa!

Damn short right! And the hair colour is making me look a little too...ahlianish. =((

This is a very memorable picture of Adrian and I, because its our first time taking public transport together since the past 6 years. We took the MRT down to town together last Friday because the car wasnt ready.
Oh wells, its the last week of school now and im feeling rather perplexed. A new journey is gonna begin really soon, and really, i need some luck.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:44:00 pm
Saturday, February 10
> I can see a rainbow, see a rainbow..
Just yesterday, my sister and i went tanning just downstairs where we caught rainbows in the warm jaccuzi.

Rainbow X just for Xuan!
I caught a few stupid movies recently. Like once in a summer which totally bores me out completely i almost fell asleep on Leonard's shoulders . It was supposed to be a Korean romance flick but it wasnt at all romantic to me.
Then yesterday, i caught Adrift with Adrian, Reece and his friend Desmond. The movie was a total cheap production cos the entire movie was film in the middle of the big blue sea with the yacht as the background. Kinda boring, and i'll only rate it 2.5 outta 5.
I just heard the most shocking news ever and im still trying to compose myself. I can do it!!
Cynthia's 21st birthday celebration later on.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:58:00 pm
Wednesday, February 7
> shop shop shop
Met up with my attachment's colleagues for lunch this noon after the lecture. Though it was a short catch up over lunch, im so happy to see them again. And the happiest news is that Michelle is expecting, so happy for her! Missed my colleagues a little way too much that they kept asking me to join them after i graduate. Haa, who knows i might really join GE?
But nothing beats happier than seeing uncle again! Is that coincidence or fate that i could actually catch a glimpse of him while waiting for Peggy. Boy you dont know how delighted i was when i saw him and his eyes widen looking shocked to see me around.
Then i headed down to town to get some B&Ps for CNY. Was a short 20minutes ride but 2 ferraris and 1 z4 had to zoom past me within split seconds. Damn pretty cars! I wish i'll own one in the near future, or even better if i could be ferried around in one. haa!
Met Jeffrey for cakes at Changing Appetite before we shopped around Marina Square. Total damage for the day, close to $200. I still need more clothes!!
Oh btw, can someone please tell me the exact details and location of where Luo Zhi Xiang will be in Singapore to meet his fans? I dont watch local channel so im totally clueless. Help!
Having a bad breakout these days, thank God facial's on tomorrow. yay!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:08:00 am
Saturday, February 3
> PIctures galore
Pictures up!
On Diana's 21st birthday, i present you the lovely birthday girl and i..

and my lucky star, the picture aint doing us any justice, but heck la.

My new friend, Doreen and i..

The group whom i played cards and mahjong with; new friends made.

Yesterday i met Alan, James and Hugen for Blood Diamond. I know im slow, but i havent had the time to catch much movies recently. Thank God projects are all over, but the final examinations are in 3 weeks time. Cant wait for it to be over!!
I caught Happy Birthday with Jeffrey on Tuesday. The movie is rather slow-moving and typical, but it still touched me and almost made me cry. But Jeffrey kept talking and asking me questions, bloody irritating. A not to be missed for a girl like me because there's Louis Khoo. I cant wait to catch Protege. Omg, my eyes would be glued to the screen for sure.

My pup and i, <3
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:33:00 pm